The TCC Educational Foundation will award up to 30 scholarships a year to high-achieving students intending to pursue particular STEM programs at TCC. Scholarships will cover tuition and fees for up to 2 academic years. Students will also receive specialized advising and mentoring opportunities. Invest in the future workforce by investing in the Women’s Center TCC STEM Promise Program.
Featured STEM Promise Sponsor

Elizabeth River Crossings
Elizabeth River Crossings paid the tuition and fees of the first 10 TCC STEM Promise scholars. Since the start of the program, ERC has contributed over $360,000 towards STEM Promise. Top row, from left: President Kolovani, Robert Sutton, Kasen Martel, Alla Topp, Phillip Shucet, CEO of ERC, and James Toscano, vice president for Institutional Advancement. Bottom row: Katherine Synowiec, Deloren Perry, Alexis Spangler, Xiaomin Chen, and Valerie Randall. Not pictured: Bianca Harold and Gabrielle Johnson
Sponsorship Packages

Or pledge $12,000 per year for 5 years

Or pledge $6,000 per year for 5 years

Or pledge $6,000 per year for 2 years

Full tuition and fees for 2 years for 5 students
Full tuition and fees for 1 year for 5 students
Full tuition and fees for 2 years for 1 student
Full tuition and fees for 1 year for 1 student
Invitation to and recognition at TCC’s Annual Scholarship Luncheon
Invitation to exclusive donor recognition event
- Table at the Annual Women’s Center Leadership Breakfast
- Name and/or corporate logo on the STEM Promise Program web page
- News release and event to announce your gift
- Featured in Donor Spotlight on foundation website
- 6 tickets for the Annual Women’s Center Leadership Breakfast
- Name and/or corporate logo on the STEM Promise Program web page
- News release to announce your gift
- 4 tickets for the Annual Women’s Center Leadership Breakfast
- Name on the STEM Promise Program web page
- 4 tickets for the Annual Women’s Center Leadership Breakfast
Scholarship naming opportunities are available
Invest in the future STEM workforce by investing in the TCC STEM Promise Program.
Contact an Educational Foundation staff member today.